Niagara Falls Packages
Before planning your next getaway, be sure to check all the Niagara Falls package categories listed below. Whether you’re planning a family getaway, group party or overnight stay, these value-added packages will get you into Niagara’s top attractions, hotel and restaurants at a great price! The sights and sounds of Niagara's major entertainment hub will keep visitors amused and happy day and night...especially when they get a great deal. You know what they say, the only thing better than travelling... is...saving money when travelling. With our seasonal package offers, you can stay and play in Niagara at a great price, any time of the year.
Our group party packages offer a prime spot for field trips, holiday, graduation and retirement parties, as well as team building activities and group icebreakers. It's also the ideal place to host an amazing birthday party! Join us for delicious food, games, and rides with our special group activities packages. Mix in fun cuisine and entertainment, and we’ve got the recipe for an unforgettable event or party. Nonstop action is what you'll find on Clifton Hill's World Famous Street of Fun.

Bringing a group to the Niagara Falls area? Why not take advantage of a Group Attraction Package?