Spring Has Officially Arrived and Niagara Falls Welcomes Runners!

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It’s finally here!  The first day of Spring.  As a runner, this is the time of year that I’ve been waiting for.  The Winter time meant finding the motivation to not only run outside in the cold, below freezing temperatures but also wrapping up in two shirts, two pairs of pants, a jacket, gloves, thick wool socks and sometimes I had to slide on spikes over my runners when it was icy out.  No fun.  Now that Spring has arrived, Niagara Falls brings the runners out of hibernation and into race season. Training is better accomplished…the days are longer which means extra miles, the warmth encourages that extra push and fresh air fills your lungs. You are ready to conquer your first Spring road race and Niagara Falls just happens to hold a couple very popular upcoming races. One of my favourite half marathon races is the Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon which this year occurs on Sunday, June 2nd, 2013. People travel from all over the world for this race because of its beautiful landscape of the Canadian Horseshoe and the American Falls, the live bands and positive energy. It’s also the perfect time to plan a fabulous getaway weekend to Niagara Falls with the family or even to gather a bunch of girls together and make it a weekend to remember!
If you are a first time runner or you have decided to graduate from the 5 and 10KM races to a Half Marathon distance (21.1 KM) here is some helpful advice that I have learned the hard way:
Book Ahead: Never assume the number of racers that you are up against.  Book your hotel at least one month in advance to avoid any added stress of trying to find accommodations. Keep in mind that this race falls on the first Sunday in June and weekends are always busier than weekdays. Races also generally require you to arrive the day before for your packet pickup (your race bib, race information, goodie bags–wine!, etc.), so it’s almost standard that you need to find a hotel if you are coming in from out of town. The Comfort Inn Clifton Hill is a great choice for accommodation and amazing seasonal rates and it is located within close proximity to the start of the race on Upper Rapids Blvd. The Comfort Inn also offers great package deals for the Spring, so that you can make the most out of your trip and reward yourself for a job well done.

Buy new running shoes a month in advance:  It goes without saying that you need a good pair of top quality running shoes when you log so many miles. This is important not only for your own comfort, but to avoid any injuries. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve trained with shin splints because of improper shoes. Buy them and break them in a month in advance to avoid any blisters or discomfort come race day…a good running store will help you out with the proper shoe as well. They will watch you run and give you a break down of specific models of shoes tailored just for you.
Fuel! Fuel! Fuel!:  A week before your race and especially the day before, go heavy on the carbohydrates. I personally go for pasta, but find what works for you. This will give you the energy you need to go the distance–it is stored in your muscles as glycogen, the fuel you need for long distance running. Many athletes will begin to heavily salt their foods leading up to the race which helps the body to retain water and reduces the likelihood of getting to the start line dehydrated. Also, your heaviest meal should be finished 12 hours before start time. I don’t want to get too much into this, but let’s just say you don’t want any digestive mishaps come race day!
With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to a successful race day! After the race, drink plenty of water and get some food to replenish your energy. Think a bagel, cup of soup, fruit or sports bar within 15 minutes of completing the race. Your muscles will be hungry, so feed them! After your race, sit back, relax or take a stroll to Clifton Hill and take in all the sights and sounds. For list of attractions, restaurants and shops to visit check out www.cliftonhill.com.
Happy training and make Niagara Falls your go to city for upcoming races!

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