Tag Archives: Houdini Museum

Harry Houdini’s 137th birthday marked by Google

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Harry Houdini’s 137th birthday has been marked by todays Google Doodle
March 24, 2011
The Google Doodle features a vaudeville style banner of the escape artist holding a chain around his neck.
The Hungarian-born magician and illusionist found fame with his sensational escape acts, some of which included stunts and movies set in Niagara Falls!

The Man From Beyond
Below is a harrowing scene from the 1922 movie “The Man From Beyond” which features Harry Houdini coming perilously close to the edge of Niagara Falls in a rescue attempt.
Here is some very rare footage of Harry Houdini suspended 40 feet in the air, escaping from a straight jacket, in front of Niagara Falls.
James Randi straight jacket escape over Niagara Falls
Related to this, here is a video of James Randi, the famous escape artist doing his straight jacket escape while being suspended over Niagara Falls.
The Houdini Magical Hall of Fame – Niagara Falls, Canada
Houdini was also honored with a museum in Niagara Falls by enthusiast: Sidney Radner. In 1968 The Houdini Magical Hall of Fame was opened on Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. At its opening, this museum contained the majority of Houdini’s personal collection of magic paraphernalia. One of Houdini’s death wishes was that his entire collection be given to his brother Theodore (also known as the magician Hardeen) and burned upon Theodore’s death. Against his wishes, forty years after Houdini’s death, the items were taken from storage and sold. Radner and his partner purchased the items and renovated a former meat-packing plant on Clifton Hill, Ontario, Canada, to house the museum. The Hall of Fame was moved in 1972 to its final location on the top of Clifton Hill. Séances were held every year at the museum on October 31, the anniversary of Houdini’s death. A fire destroyed the museum on April 30, 1995. (Source: Wikipedia)
Below is a video tour on the late Houdini Magical Hall of Fame in Niagara Falls, Canada. Shot in 1992.
Magician Tom Interval visited the Museum in 81′ and 85′ and posted his photos here:
Photo gallery of the Houdini Magical Hall of Fame

Courtesy of Tom Interval - http://www.intervalmagic.com