Tag Archives: Running

Niagara Falls Running: 14 weeks to go until the big day!

Reading Time:  5 minutes -

Well, it’s been 1.5 weeks since I decided to take my Niagara Falls running to the next level and register for the Niagara Falls International Marathon. My previous and first post on this subject gave a little history on how I began running two years ago, so I won’t go into any depth about that except to say that the reasons that have kept me engaged with running have gone further beyond wanting to lose the baby weight — it is now part of my almost daily routine. Ask anyone that knows me about the two things in life that I can’t live without, and they will tell you a) my son, Kaidyn and b) running. I am addicted to the endorphin rush and the sense of utter relaxment, calmness and euphoria when I finish on empty. This is why I truly believe in the term “runner’s high” — because it happens to me on every single run. Niagara Falls running is a key motivator that keeps me from getting bored because I happen to live in a region with one of the most beautiful backdrops to run by — the Niagara Falls. Running on the trails in Niagara-on-the-Lake, little towns within the Niagara region (such as Jordan), and finding my “happy spots” as I call them in my hometown of St.Catharines keeps me focused, engaged, and challenged every time I step out the door.
I would be lying if I told you that during this past week and a half that I made the decision to jump to a full marathon, that I decided to stick to a specific marathon training plan. I did not. I am stubborn in that I like to train my own way and I kind of took on the notion that I am my own personal trainer. I refer to the book “Running: The Complete Guide to Building Your Running Program” by John Stanton as a general resource for my training. If you read my first post, you will know that I have done several half marathon races, and this book that you can purchase at the Running Room is an excellent tool for the beginner runner and for the seasoned athlete. My favourite chapter in the book breaks down a training guide for whichever type of race you are planning on doing (in this case, a full marathon) and even caters to whatever time you aim to finish in! I love this because my average half marathon finishing time is at the 1:45 mark, so you can up the ante and follow a 1:40 guide.

In any case, with this book I personally use it to keep me on track, but I don’t follow it every day as a specific set schedule. Some people choose to, and that’s great, but I like to colour outside the lines a bit and do my own thing. This past week, Niagara Falls running has been a challenge with the heat. A few days in a row we saw temperatures at the 32-33c mark, with the humidity making it feel more like 40C, and in some cases even higher than that! This didn’t mean that I fell off my training plan though! I made sure to hydrate properly and I ran with water. I don’t like to wear anything around my waist when I run, so I don’t use hydration belts. I keep my water bottle in my hands the whole time. The first day of our heatwave last week I found that even though I kept myself hydrated, my muscles were sore and achy throughout my whole body. I violated one of my own running tips…in extreme heat carry ELECTROLYTES! An “electrolyte” is any salt mineral that carries signals between cells allowing them to react properly. It regulates blood pressure, heart rate, water levels and muscle movement. If we don’t have enough electolytes, our body doesn’t perform as well. In extreme heat this tends to suffer and products that carry electrolytes (especially on longer runs) will benefit your performance. Gatorade for instance, is a an excellent source of a drink containing electrolytes. Races will usually have water and Gatorade stations set up every few kilometres. I really like Nuun tablets. They are flavoured tablets that disolve in water and they are easy on my stomach. Other popular brands of electrolytes are Gels such as Gu, in which you swallow back a pouch before or during your run and it gives you the extra “lift” that you need to keep going. Practice your tolerance for an electrolyte source well before your big day to see which product works for you — you don’t want any unnecessary “surprises” the day of. There’s is nothing worse than having to make a pit stop at a port-a-potty when you are trying to beat the clock! That’s all I will say about that.

If you live locally to Niagara Falls and you plan on registering for the Niagara Falls International Marathon , I would like to share with you one of my favourite Niagara Falls running routes. With all the chaos of raising a two-year old and everyday daily stresses I find it relaxing to get out for a trail run and I love the nature. This route is in St.Catharines and it’s the Merritt Trail. This trail begins at Bradley Street in south St.Catharines and continues through to Martindale Road in west St.Catharines and connects with the Green Ribbon Trail. The length of the trail is 11 kilometres. In the past week alone I have seen a massive tortoise, three beavers and just last night when I turned the corner I came face-to-face with a gorgeous deer! I have attached the pictures below as I always carry my iphone with me on my runs to track my GPS route through the free Nike+ GPS app. Please excuse the quality of my pictures. I took the picture of the deer so quickly!

In general, my training this last week and a half has been more about a test of will and strength in this heat than focusing on mileage. I have stayed consistent with running a 10K distance on average while keeping 2 days a week open for crosstraining, in which I choose to lift light weights and stregthen my core through abdominal exercises, planks and squats. My advice to you is to not avoid exercising in extreme heat, but to embrace it, while of course taking the necessary precautions. It is training in weather like this that may give you an extra edge over the opponent if you are competitive, but will also make you a stronger runner because the only person that you need to compete with is the person that you were yesterday when it comes to improvement. That’s the whole point in marathon training, right?
If you have enjoyed this blog or feel that it may help to encourage someone to give running a go, share this blog!
Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing my Niagara Falls running experiences with you!

Facebook: Clifton Hill – Niagara Falls Fun
Twitter: @cliftonhillfun
Google+: Clifton Hill Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls International Marathon: My Journey to take on 42.2 Kilometres

Reading Time:  5 minutes -

If you had asked me 2 years ago if I would become an avid running addict, I would have told you that you were crazy! I just gave birth to my son and had zero motivation. I had post-pardum depression, I had 35 pounds to shed and a newborn baby that drained all of my time and energy. Now I’m just 15.5 weeks out of running 42.2 Kilometres (or 26 miles to my American friends) in the Niagara Falls International Marathon on October 27th, 2013.
I had my son, Kaidyn, on March 27th, 2011 and it was on August 1st, 2011 exactly that I decided enough was enough and it was time to get moving. I went out and bought a good pair of running shoes — Asics Gel Nimbus 13. To this day, I swear by those shoes. I began walking with Kaidyn in his stroller after 2 months, so by August 1st when I decided to step out the door, I felt I was ready to do the next step — run. I didn’t realize then that I would be documenting my experience leading up to the Niagara Falls International Marathon just a couple of years later, nor did I know that I would shed all the weight plus an additional 16 pounds, improve my health and fitness and find a natural remedy to overcome post-pardum depression, without any kind of medical intervention. I downloaded the Nike GPS app for iphone — it’s a completely free application in which you enter your stats (height, weight, sex) and from there is tracks calories burned, mileage, your route and your speed. You have the ability to share it on social networking, which I do on Facebook. If you are competitive by nature — like myself haha — you can also race against your friends and try to beat their mileage week by week which is a further push to try and nail the Niagara Falls International Marathon.

Here is a video of the exact shoe that works for my foot specifically that I swear by, right down to the colour — but please have a professional assess your feet and running stride for the best shoe for your specific foot type! Places like your local Running Room will do this for you.
The first thing I did to avoid the temptation to give up and stop running completely, was sign up for the Road 2 Hope Half Marathon on November 6th, 2011. That gave me 3 months to prepare. I slowly increased my mileage from 5KM runs to 10KM runs. I went from running everyday to running 5-6 days a week with one day devoted to Jillian Michaels. For super cheap, I bought 2 DVD’s: Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones and Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. I bought free weights in 1 lb, 3 lbs, and 5 lbs and got to work. Each DVD is 45 minutes. I learned that strength training is vital to maintaining proper form and increasing speed, stamina and the core strength needed for running. At the time, in preperation for this race, it was more important to me to finish the race than to garner a great time. I finished in 2:08:25. I was beaming! I felt accomplished, I felt like I could conquer the world. It was at that exact moment (without sounding poetic) that I fell in love with running. So here’s my first tip to keep you motivated….sign up NOW for the Niagara Falls International Marathon! By doing this, you will keep yourself accountable to keep moving. When you constantly sign up for races, you are continously staying on top of your game. You can only get better.
Here is my photo after my first race — the Road 2 Hope Half Marathon in November, 2011:

Fast forward to now — I have done 16 5K, 15 10K races, 6 Half Marathons, 1 30K race and the Warrior Dash. I have 34 medals — 25 of which I placed in the top 3 in my age group. My most recent Half Marathon was in a time of 1:43:17 — shaving off a considerable amount of time from my very first Half Marathon due to determination and persistance. I also have it in the back of my head that I am doing this for my son as well…to be the best mom that I can be by staying healthy enough to keep up!
My goal with this series of blogs leading up to the Niagara Falls International Marathon is to not only further motivate myself, but to encourage other runners and new runners that signing up for a full marathon doesn’t have to be as daunting as it seems. I am not a professional runner, I have NOT been doing this for years, I have lack of time, I have lack of sleep and I sometimes eat things that I shouldn’t, I get injuries, I run too late at night, I suffer from embarrassing running issues that no one ever wants to admit or talk about and I have no idea why Kenyans are so fast and why barefoot running is beneficial. I am just a regular runner looking to achieve something that statistics say that only 4% of the population ever acquires — to run a marathon!
Please follow my journey with me over these next couple of months as I document my personal experience and hopefully motivate you to give running a try! I will also write about my experience at the Niagara Falls International Marathon afterwards. The good, the bad, and the ugly! I will share my mileage, my nutrition (keeps me accountable!), trails and routes that I like and anything else I choose to talk about. I will leave this blog with my favourite running quote, made into a tattoo on my wrist:

If you have enjoyed this blog or feel that it may help encourage someone to give running a go, share this blog!
Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you!

Facebook: Clifton Hill – Niagara Falls Fun
Twitter: @cliftonhillfun
Google+: Clifton Hill Niagara Falls